Want to be calm under pressure?

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Free report reveals...
- Becoming Neutral to Stressful People and Stressful Situations
- How to Respond to Anger, Frustration, Self Doubt, Annoyance, or Depression
- What to Do About Tension, Aches, and Pains
- Advancing Your Career During the Worst Times: How a Woman Lost Two Jobs and Failed Relationships Reinvented Herself and Moved to the United Kingdom

Januta is a Speaker, Author, and Well Being Mindfulness professional. With over 25 years experience, Januta has transformed hundreds of lives in her retreats and workshops using Modern Scientific and Ancient Eastern Integrative Yoga Therapy, Transformational Breathing, and Meditation.
What Other's Are Saying!
I always feel more mentally clear after these sessions and better able to face work challenges in a more calm and mature way
I have built up strength and overall flexibility, lost weight through the time and have come to truly appreciate the meditative and relaxing nature
From the very first session of this program I was able to connect in a different way which I found to be very calming and really clearing .Some of the learnings you shared felt to me like to be the final missing piece of a puzzle. During this week my husband was also offered a job which was such a shock to him as it was so unexpected and I actually sense that my interaction with him and him experiencing the outcome of me being more open helped him to become more open and therefore this job opened up to him. I can see how we so subtly influence others.
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